Dr. Amy B. Maddox
Senior Lecturer of Statistical Science, Co-Graduate Program Director

- Ph.D., Statistics, Baylor University
One of the first things that attracted me to statistics was its applicability to many different fields of study. During my first graduate statistics course I became intrigued by the opportunity that a statistician has to learn about other topics while applying statistical methods to solve real-world problems.
I began my educational career earning a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in mathematics. After teaching for two years in the mathematics department at Baylor, I earned my doctorate degree in statistics from Baylor and joined the department of statistical science as a lecturer. Teaching is my first love and I thoroughly enjoy working with the graduate teaching assistants. I am also fortunate to work with graduate students from other departments and learn more about their areas of interest.
Personally my husband, Jodi, and I have been blessed with four beautiful daughters. In addition to playing with my girls, I enjoy exercising, learning about health and nutrition, reading, and scrap booking.
Selected Publications
Maddox, Amy B. Introduction to Statistical Methods. Waco: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2016. Print.
Maddox, Amy B. Introduction to Statistics, 2nd Edition. Waco: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2014. Print.
Maddox, Amy B. and Seaman, John, Regression to Where?, The proceedings of the 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada, 2004.