Sports Analytics Concentration
B.S. Degree
Requirements for a Major in Statistics
(Sports Analytics Concentration)
Requirements for a concentration in Sports Analytics:
- STA 2300, 2450, 3310, 3311, 3381, 3386, 3375, 4330, 4373, 43C8
- Six hours of upper-level statistics electives.
- A grade of “C” or better in courses used for the major.
Required courses in other fields:
MTH 1321, 1322, 2311, 2321.
Eight semester hours of science courses with associated labs chosen from BIO, CHE, ENV,
GEO, NSC, or PHY. Each course must apply to a major in its department. Select from: BIO
1305-1105, 1306-1106; CHE 1301-1101, CHE 1302-1102; ENV 1301-1101, 1303-1103, 2375-
2175, 2407; GEO 1406, One GEO from: 1401, 1402, 1403, 1405, 1408; NSC 1306-1106; PHY 1420, or PHY 1430.