Dr. Jackson Barth
Assistant Professor of Statistical Science

- 2023 Ph.D., Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University
- 2016 M.A., Economics, University of Alabama
- 2016 B.S., Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama
My current research focuses on clinical applications of Bayesian hierarchical methods that incorporate information from meta-analysis. This has included significant advancements in normalization of gene expression datasets and novel sample size determination methodology. Other research topics include missing data analysis, dimensionality-reduction techniques, sports analytics and applications in genomics and epigenomics. I also enjoy doing collaborative work with researchers in other fields. Prior to joining the faculty at Baylor, I received my Ph.D. in Statistical Science from Southern Methodist University in May 2023.
Outside of academia, I enjoy watching baseball and football, working on crossword puzzles, cooking and exploring Cameron Park with my family.
Selected Publications
Zhang, M., Barth, J., Lim, J., & Wang, X. (2023). Bayesian estimation and testing in random‐ effects meta‐analysis of rare binary events allowing for flexible group variability. Statistics in Medicine.
Katumullage, D., Yang, C., Barth, J., & Cao, J. (2022). Using Neural Network Models for Wine Review Classification. Journal of Wine Economics, 17(1), 27-41.
Yang, C., Barth, J., Katumullage, D., & Cao, J. (2022). Wine Review Descriptors as Quality Predictors: Evidence from Language Processing Techniques. Journal of Wine Economics, 17(1), 64-80.
Spirtos, A. , Parnell, T., Barth, J., Huang, W., Street, A., & Lea, J. (2022) Pre-operative nonnarcotic analgesia decreases the use of postoperative narcotics. Gynecologic Oncology Reports, 44(2), S20.
Spirtos, A., Werner, B., Barth, J., Parnell, T., Street, A., LoCoco, S., Carlson, M., Miller, D.S., & Lea, J. (2022) Pre-operative patient characteristics predict outpatient opioid use. Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 44(2), S8.
Barth, J., Katumullage, D., Yang, C., & Cao, J. (2021). Classification of Wines Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Wine Economics, 16(1), 56–67.