Dr. Amanda S. Hering
Professor of Statistical Science, Co-Graduate Program Director

- Ph.D., Statistics, Texas A&M University, 2009
- M.S., Statistics, Montana State University, 2002
- B.S., Mathematics, Baylor University, 1999
I am a statistician whose work focuses on applied problems in engineering and the environment using multivariate, time series, and spatial statistical methods. My current interests are in modeling big, multivariate, spatial datasets; developing methods for categorical spatial data; and detecting outliers and faults for process and data control. I am an Associate Editor for Technometrics, Environmetrics, Stat, and the Journal of Environmental Statistics. I am an officer in the section for Statistics and the Environment of the American Statistical Association. After earning my Ph.D. in Statistics at Texas A&M University, I spent the next seven years as an Assistant Professor at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado.