Dr. Dean M. Young
Professor of Statistical Science, Retiree

- Ph.D., Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, 1981
- M.S., Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, 1979
- M.S., Mathematics, Baylor University, 1975
- M.S., Physical Education, Baylor University, 1974
- B.S., Physical Education, Texas Tech University, 1970
Selected Publications
Young, P.D. and Young, D.M. (2016). Characterizations of Noncentral Chi-Squared-Generating Covariance Structures for a Normally Distributed Random Vector. To appear in Sankhya.
Kahle, D., Young, P.D., Greer, B.A., and Young, D.M. (2016). Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates Under One Way Differential Misclassification Using Double Sampling. To appear in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
Ounpraseuth, S.T., Young, P.D., van Zyl, J.S., Nelson, T.W., and Young, D.M. (2015). Linear Dimension Reduction for Multiple Heteroscedastic Multivariate Normal Populations. Open Journal of Statistics 5, 311-333.
Young, P.D. and Young, D.M. (2015). Independence Distribution-Preserving Covariance Structures for the Likelihood Ratio Test for LXß = 0 in the General Linear Model. International Journal of Statistics and Probability 4, 87-93.
Young, P.D., Young, D.M., and Odell, P.L. (2015). Quadratic Formulae for Certain Quadratic Matrix Equations. Mathematical Scientist 40, 35-41.
Stock, E.M., Stamey, J.D., and Young, D.M. (2015). Bayesian interval estimation for the difference in TPRs and FPRs of two diagnostic tests with unverified negatives. Communications in Statistics: Computation and Simulation 44, 205-224.
Becnel, J., Riggs, K., and Young, D.M. (2013). Probability Inequalities for the Sum of Random Variables When Sampling Without Replacement. International Journal of Statistics and Probability 2, 75-84.
Stock, E.M., Stamey, J.D., Sankaranarayanan, R., and Young, D.M. (2012). Estimation of Disease Prevalence, TPR, and FPR of Two Screening Tests When Disease Verification is Applied on Only Screen-Positives: A Hierarchical Model Using Multi-Center Data. Cancer Epidemiology 36, 153-160.
Greer, B.A., Young, P.D., and Young, D.M. (2012). Bayesian Credible Intervals for the Ratio of Two Independent Poisson Rates Ising Data with Underreporting. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 7, 131-142.
Ounpraseuth, S., Moore, P.C., and Young, D.M. (2012). Imputation Techniques for Incomplete Data in Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82, 862-877.
Greer, B.A., Young, D.M., and Stamey, J.D. (2011). Bayesian Interval Estimation for the Difference of Two Independent Poisson Rates Using Data Subject to Under-Reporting. Statistica Neederlandica 65, 259-274.
Hand, A.L., Stamey, J.D., and Young, D.M. (2011). Bayesian Sample-Size Determination for Two Independent Poisson Rates. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 104, 271-277.
Rahardja, D. and Young, D.M. (2011). Likelihood-Based Confidence Intervals for the Risk Ratio Using Double Sampling with Over-Reported Binary Data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 1, 813-823.
Rahardja, D. and Young, D.M. (2011). Likelihood-Based Confidence Intervals for the Risk Ratio Using Double Sampling with Over-Reported Binary Data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 1, 813-823.
Greer, B.A., Young, D.M., and J.D. Stamey (2010). Bayesian credible intervals for the difference of two Poisson rates using data subject to under-reporting and validation data. Statistical Methodology 7, 98-108.
Rahardja, D. and Young, D.M. (2010). Credible sets for risk ratios in over-reported two-sample binomial data using the double-sampling scheme. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54, 1281-1287.
Riggs, K., Stamey, J.D., and Young, D.M. (2009). Interval Estimation for Misclassification Rate Parameters in a Complementary Poisson Model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 38, 159-172.
Turner, D.W., Stamey, J.D., and Young, D.M. (2009). Classic Group Testing with Costs for Grouping and Testing. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 58, 1930-1935.
Greer, B.A., Stamey, J.D., Young, D.M., and Ryden, D. (2009). An Alternative Derivation of the Multi-Parameter Cramer-Rao Inequality. The Math. Scientist 34, 20-24.
Holt, M., Seaman, J.W., Jr., Stamey, J.D., and Young, D.M. (2009). Performance and Sample Size Requirements of Bayesian Methods for Binary Outcomes in Fixed-Dose Combination Drug Studies. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 19, 1-13.